Sometimes I Don't Wake Up In The Morning

I like being different, I like being the kind of girl who marches to the beat of her own L'Arc~en~Ciel drummer. but sadly most people don't like that. I'm pretty average. I have brown hair and brown eyes and I Africacan American. BTW: I like having friends even though I seem totally depressing.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

First Suspension

Oh My GG! I am so bad. In one month, I have "threatened" a substitue teacher, gotten dentention for talking in class and then a suspension because I forgot the detention. My mom denied me from going to my baby niece's 4th B-Day party and I was forced to spend two hours reading an Algebra 1 text book. Oh and if my current "badness" wasn't enough, I have to go to counseling to share my feelings in the right way. I am so tired of people acting like since I act like I don't give a care, I'll end up on the wrong track someday. If I end up on the wrong track, I can strongly blame those who discouraged me from my writing and my anime. If they cared so much, they'd let me be. I'm so frickin' pissed right now but I can't write about it anywhere else but here.

Thursday, December 30, 2004

So Sad... So Very Sad Indeed

I've always wanted to be famous. From as far back as I can remember I've wanted to be a famous writer. I've never had the chance. I guess that I'm just not original enough, and I have a really short attention span :P
I am fourteen now and I'm still...
I wanted to change so badly, I wanted to become something beautiful like Cinderella. but dreams never come true no matter what others may think.
Another note on my personality is that I am extremely paranoid. I always think that people are talking about me and when I find out that they really are, It hurts.
I'm trying to look on the bright side but...
its not that easy.
If someone reads this, they'll think that I'm some pathetic loser who lives on the Internet. Maybe they won't be wrong. But someday I'll have my own manga published and who'll be the loser.
Until then though, all insults will be taken graciously and I won't retalliate.